Corporate VolunteeringMercy Drops Dream Center is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization. We would love to partner with your business or organization at any time of year. Volunteering is an excellent way to inspire teamwork and boost morale in your organization. Organization's can partner with us during our weekly Programs, at one of our Fundraisers, or at an exclusive project of your own!
Email [email protected] with questions.
Corporate GivingIf our programs and services fit the focus of your corporate giving program please let us know about any funding opportunities! As a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization, we would love the opportunity to partner with you!
Email [email protected] with questions.
Program or Event SponsorshipWe offer many programs throughout the year that impact our local community. These include our Residential Programs, Thanksgiving meals, Christmas gifts, and school supply drives. We also host numerous fundraising events throughout the year that give your business or organization the opportunity to not only partner with Mercy Drops Dream Center, but get your name out in front of hundreds of potential clients.
Email [email protected] with questions.
Gifts In KindTo help Mercy Drops Dream Center keep operating costs as low as possible and to focus our resources on our communities, donations of water, food, household goods, appliances, diapers, socks, wash cloths, and other inventory are always needed and welcomed.
Email [email protected] with questions.
mercy drops